
cropped-616395_10151116463941472_148806779_o.jpg Ev is a 30-something Sydneysider.

She has a voracious appetite for delicious food, loves lazy weekend breakfasts with the newspaper, is concerned that her love of travel is conflicting with her desire to reduce her carbon footprint, and tends to like expensive pursuits such as snow skiingscuba diving, and photography.

She works in a corporate job but longs to be freed from the desk chains and spreadsheets to indulge her love of people, eating, and globetrotting (preferably simultaneously).

She loves to make lists, can make a pretty mean risotto, loves getting out on her motorbike, and does an awesome karaoke rendition of Sweet Child O’ Mine.  She gets more excited than the average person about politics, economics, feminism, and social causes.

She also writes at Laugh Lots, Travel Often, and she is the Noisy Noodler.

These are wonderful places in the world that she has visited so far:

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